There's No School Like The Old School...
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Old School Files

Collection of old school flash intros, flash movies, flash games and animated gifs

  • Flash Intros
    Ah yes. Who could forget the scourge of the birth of the Flash-era... the over-used, perennially-useless Flash Intro. For some reason web designers and companies thought visitors would like to see their logos spinning around to the beat of techno music. Mercifully, the backlash led to "skip intro" links, and eventually to the near eradication of the practice. RIP Flash Intro.
  • Flash Games
    Although still used even today, Flash Games had a very comical introduction to the web. Many companies thought that by offering games they could add a "sticky" quality to their site leading to increased multiple visits by their customers. Unfortunately, most games couldn't live up to the standards set by in-home gaming, and most fell by the wayside before long.
  • Flash Movies
    Old school Flash Movies ranged from completely useless to extraordinarily brilliant. Unfortunately, as with most dynamic content in the good 'ole days, designers needed to constantly be concerned with the limited capacity of user's Internet connections and hardware. Therefore, many of the best movies couldn't be seen by large segments of viewers. Still, adept designers were great at pushing the envelope and bringing life to the web.
  • Animated GIFs
    Before Flash there was the Animated Gif. People just using the web for the first time were dazzled by blinking "click here" icons, jumping logos and basic text effects. Designers did their best to bring pages alive, but this rudimentary tool just couldn't offer too much.
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Check out this Old School Flash Game

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Ok, now we sound like one of those cash for gold places, but we really do want your old files. We can't turn them into cash, but we can give your old flash intros, flash movies, flash games and animated gifs new life.

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Missing Something?
We have done our best to provide a starting point for the topics, software and companies that were relevant on the old school web, but we know there are many others. Please contact us to let us know what we're missing.